Sebastian's Voodoo

A voodoo doll must find the courage to save his friends from being pinned to death.

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The Windmill Farmer

A nurturing farmer protects his crop of windmills against the cyclical forces of nature.

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An origami tale of a skilful paper folder who could shape the world with his hands.

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A pearly necklace of stars is plucked out of the glowing Milky Way band in the sky.

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A butterfly's unexpected transformation, shot on film with a Mauer animation crane.

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Autobiographical film using photography, motion graphics and rotoscoped video.

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Short Bio

I'm an animator, designer and photographer from Paraguay, working as a CG Layout Artist at the Walt Disney Animation Studios in Los Angeles.

My animated shorts have won over 130 film awards. I have a BFA from CCAD and an MFA from UCLA, where I graduated in 2010 with the help of a full scholarship from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation.


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3D Printed Designs

Mobius Nautilus

Bacon Mobius Strip

Seed of Yggdrasil

Origami Skeleton

Lucky Golden Poo

Darwin's Cladogram

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